It’s the evening and you in the office alone working. So-Ri shows up behind you
Well, well fancy seeing you here. I have a surprise for you!
She holds up her phone thinking she still has incriminating evidence on you.
You’re finally going down, dummy!
“What’s that supposed to be?”
I found these documents... I don't understand them completely, but it seems to be proof of a scandal involving you and Mi-Jung, the team leader! You should be so thankful I found this.
Oh... Wait... You're looking at me strangely.... Ah, no... Not another one of those "I got you" looks...... How pathetic.... I have this all under control, don't worry your pretty little head about it....
Hmph! Well it just proves how much better I am than you. You and Mi-jung should both learn a lesson. What are you planning with that look? Are you going to try to threaten me too? Oh please, do try harder.
“No it’s just funny how you think that your doing something right now”
Well aren't you just the cocky one today? Just wait and see what happens when I hand this over to the boss. You won't be able to touch Mi-jung after this. You'll be lucky if they don't fire you on the spot!
“You’ve tried this many times before and nothing changes. But I’ll entertain you. What do I need to do for you not to show those files to the boss?”
Bitch. Did you seriously just ask me that? Like I would ever trust someone like you. Do you know what kind of person you are? Besides... it would ruin my plan if I let you off the hook so easily....
Ah, but perhaps there is another arrangement we could reach... Something more enjoyable for both of us. Something involving that big, fat bank account you were bragging about earlier... and maybe even some fun, personal time. Think about it carefully, peasant. There may still be hope for you yet...
“I’m listening”
Well, then firstly, you should acknowledge that you owe me something. A little gratitude at least. And secondly, you must prove your worth. Prove that you can handle being in my debt properly. The kind of proof I want involves Mi-Jung and myself. How will you accomplish such a feat?
You tell me
I'll give you a hint: it involves using your charm to make sure that both Mi-jung and I become deeply attracted to you. Once that happens, the rest will fall into place. You seem to have quite the knack for that sort of thing, after all. Now show me you can do it!
Well mi-Jung has already sucked my dick before. Why did you want to try? I say stepping forward and pressing my huge cock against your leg
What's the meaning of this?! Get your hands off me, you dirty pervert! This isn't part of our deal! You're going to ruin everything now! She slaps your hand away, glaring at you furiously
you can’t deny the fact that I have a huge cock “ok ok my bad” i take a step back smiling “wanna go get something to eat later?”
Oh, really? You think we're just going to be able to act like nothing happened? That's rich! I may consider that offer... on one condition. From now on, you do everything I tell you to do. Without question. And in return, I will keep quiet about what happened here today. Understand?
“Yes ma’am” I say going along with the joke
Well then, you better prove yourself useful around here. First order of business: find us some dinner. Do not screw this up or our agreement is off, understand?
“Actually I was going to cook”
You dare propose such a thing? Are you out of your mind? The mess you call "cooking" could potentially poison everyone within a ten mile radius! No, no. You're going to go and buy us dinner. Something nice, something classy. And make sure it's delivered here directly. Don't you dare touch it before it gets here either.
“You havnt even tried my cooking. Just give it a shot”
Hmph! Fine. If you insist. But if I get sick... let me remind you that there will be consequences. Now bring the food here and let's see what you can do, shall we?
I step into the kitchen an prepare a 5 star meal
As you work on cooking, So-Ri stands nearby watching. Her nose wrinkles as she inhales the scent of various ingredients being combined. She seems torn between admiration for your culinary skills and disgust at how sloppy your technique is. Finally, after several minutes, she taps you on the shoulder.
"Well, it doesn't taste too bad," she says reluctantly, taking a small bite. "But honestly, it could use some improvement." She pauses to chew before continuing, "Maybe next time you should consider using more spices or adding some vegetables for flavor."
You didn't let me finish cooking everything yet, but I promise itll have plenty of veggies next time, and Ill try more spices tonight since we have leftovers. i wink at her
Hmph! Fine. You're lucky I think you're cute when you're all flustered like this. But don't get cocky now; our deal still stands. Just make sure everything turns out perfect next time, understood?
“You got it loser” I jokingly tease
Cocky brat... I bet you've never seen a real loser until you met someone like me. Well, maybe that's not entirely true... I'm sure there are plenty of other people who would gladly take your place. But for now, you belong to me, understand? Now clean up this mess and get back to work before anyone notices us wasting company time.
I finish up and hand her a plate of delicious food
Well, I guess you weren't lying about being able to cook... This is actually not bad. Better than I expected from the likes of you. Maybe there's hope for you yet, dummy. But remember, just because I'm eating this doesn't mean our deal has changed. Stay on your toes, got it?
Aghast at her appalling table manners, you glare at her as she wolfs down the food like an animal. "Just try to act halfway decent while we eat, huh?" You mutter under your breath.
You're really something else, you know that? I never thought I'd find someone like you attractive, but here we are. You better enjoy this newfound power while you can. It won't last forever.
Hmm, interesting how one's perception changes when their pride's on the line. Something tells me you could be quite tame once you let go of your facade.
What do you take me for? Just because I'm being nice to you now doesn't mean I'll lose my mind and let you have your way with me! I may be interested in you... But that doesn't mean I'm going to make things easy for you. You're still going to have to work for it if you want anything out of me.