The mission you were on with Ghost and König almost immediately went sideways. Whatever information the three of you were given was inaccurate, and you blindly walked into hostile territory.
Now you're stuck in a tight closet with the two of them. To make matters worse, you're pinned between them.
"This is awkward," König whispers, his hands flat on the wall so he doesn't touch you.
"Shut up," Ghost grumbles, his hands on your hips holding you still
in the middle of the two of them, was thunder, the most known soldier in unit 141, he had the most confirmed and unconfirmed kills, thunder remained silent, putting his earbuds in to ignore the two of them as they argue
König snorts at that. "You could try talking to us." He looks over at you sidelong before focusing back on Ghost, one eyebrow raised quizzically. "Or do you think we'd bite?"
König smirks at Thunder while looking away.
König glances at him out of the corner of his eye. "Though I suppose even if you did... It probably wouldn't be any less awkward."
he rolls his eyes, like the others, thunder had a mask, but unlike konig and ghost's masks, his only covers his jaw up over his nose, and under his eyes, it had on the front of the mask a drawing of a human jaw on it, thunder continues listening to music
"Speak of the devil," Ghost says with a snicker, ignoring your attempt at trying not to get involved with the two of them. "What if he did bite? Would you let him?"
he growls then i'd bite back. he flips out a krambit care to find out?
Both Ghost and König tense visibly at the sound of the blade being produced, their eyes locking onto yours before narrowing at Thunder in warning. "That's not helping, buddy," is all König manages to say, his voice shaking just the slightest bit. Ghost remains silent, but his grip on your hips tightens considerably as his anger starts to rise.
thunder growls under his breath, he leaves the closet, pilfers a few energy drinks, and then returns
König shifts uncomfortably where he's pinned between you and the wall, glancing nervously between you two. "Look, we're all stressed right now, alright? Can we just focus on getting out of here without killing each other first?" He forces a small, fake smile.
thunder sheaths the blade, opend a can of energy drink, and downs it, he was exhahusted, not just from his job, but he hadnt gotten alot of sleep
"You're right," Ghost grumbles, though whether he's speaking to you or Thunder isn't entirely clear. "Let's focus on that." His grip on your hips loosens slightly, but his body remains tense. "And Thunder, maybe tone it down with the theatrics, yeah?"
König looks back at you with an apologetic expression. "Sorry about him. He doesn't mean half the stuff he says."
thunder side-eyes ghost, a silent way of telling him to be quiet
"I know," you say softly, watching Thunder carefully. You take the chance to relax further, trusting that Ghost won't let go now that things have simmered down. "We should probably get through this mission and then have a team talk about all of our feelings. Sound good?" There's a tiny hint of humor in your voice as you speak.
thunder removes his mask, his lower jaw is covered in scars, the most noticible starting by going across his eye, then down across his lips
König glances at Thunder, then back at you. "What kind of 'team talk' do you think we should have?" he asks cautiously, eyes flickering over Thunder's scarred face. "Do you... Do you want us to try being more friendly? Or is it too late for that?"
thunder ignores the pair, puts his mask back on, and goes to sleep
"I guess we could try," König says with a sigh. "I mean, it couldn't hurt. We are supposed to be a team, after all." He pauses, then looks at you thoughtfully. "But don't expect miracles. Some people just aren't cut out for that sort of thing."
thunder snores as ghost and konig talk
König shrugs. "Maybe. But I've seen stranger things happen. And honestly, if it means not having to deal with this tension all the time... It might be worth it." His expression softens slightly, even as he keeps one eye on Thunder's resting form. "Besides, you're kinda funny sometimes."
thunder's tail twitches, yes a tail, thunder was an anthropomorphic wolf with jet black fur and a poofy tail, ghost and konig stop talking and stare at thunder's tail
König leans in closer, studying Thunder's tail carefully before looking back up at you with wide eyes. "I had no idea..." he whispers incredulously. Ghost on the other hand seems more interested in watching how it moves rather than marveling over its presence.
thunders tail continues to swish as he sleeps
"Well," you start, chuckling softly, "he is rather good at hiding that little detail about himself." You nod toward Thunder. "He probably doesn't like drawing attention to it."
König snorts quietly. "Hiding? More like denying it ever happened." He shakes his head with a fond smile, glancing back at Thunder's tail again. "But yeah, I guess some people would prefer not to talk about those kinds of things."
he mumbles, half asleep will you... both.. sh..ush Zzz..
The two men exchange amused glances. Even though they were still trapped together, there seemed to be a new understanding growing between them. Maybe this team could find its way back to being a real team after all. At least until the next mission went sideways, anyway.
"He means us," König whispers with a grin. "Guess we should mind our manners from now on, huh?" He looks down at you, one eyebrow raised expectantly. "So... Do you think we can do better?"
thunder snores, his jet black fur ruffling slightly
I chuckle softly, "Maybe we can try, but I can't promise anything. Guys like us tend to get a little... intense sometimes." The tension is gone from my voice, replaced by a comfortable camaraderie.
"Yeah, we're work in progress," König agrees with a nod. "But hey, it's not like anyone else here is perfect either. Right, buddy?" He nudges your shoulder gently before looking back at you with an earnest expression. "You know you can always come to me if you ever need someone to talk to."
thunder wakes up, he yawns damn.. we're still in this damned closet..
König smirks and says to Thunder, "Ain't that the truth? Though I'm sure our lovely captors will be freeing us any minute now..." Then turning to you, he continues in a more serious tone. "...Or they might just leave us in here for a while to teach us all a lesson. So maybe we should start working on getting along better, huh?"
thunder grunts, and he switches places with konig so that he and ghost can talk without thunder being in the middle
I smile appreciatively at his effort to create a level playing field. "It would certainly help," I agree. "But I think there's more to it than just that. We need to learn how to trust each other again too. After everything we've been through, it'll take time." I glance over at where Thunder was sitting before he moved. "And honestly? I don't know if I'd want things to go back to how they were before." There's a hint of sadness in my voice as I say it.
"Yeah... me neither," Konig admits quietly. "So... what do we do about that?"
soap speaks up (soap: why's thunder here again? he's an asshole.)
(König glances at Soap in annoyance.) Well, Captain Obvious, he's here because you thought it would be a good idea to separate us when we have a history like this. But to answer your question... I guess we start with giving each other a chance. And maybe some cleaning after hours. You know what I mean, eh, TP?"
thunder growls under his breath at soap's remark, thunder's tail twitching in anger
As you all continue talking, the weight of the situation seems to lessen ever so slightly. It might take time, and there will be mistakes along the way, but if Thunder and I can find common ground... Perhaps they and Ghost can too. And maybe then, this team can become something more than just a collection of people thrown together by fate. Something strong enough to weather any storm.
thunder leaves to closet and a few moments later, a gunshot is heared, followed by thunder's cry of pain
Both men freeze, fear and shock coursing through their veins. The sound of Thunder's pained cry haunts them as they wait for the inevitable thud that comes seconds later when the door gives way. "What do we do now?" König whispers, voice barely audible above the blood rushing in their ears. Ghost shakes his head slowly, eyes fixed on the open doorway. "There's no going back now."
thunder places a hand over the bullet wound and he bandages it with a tourniquet, and bandages, he then returns to the closet
König's face blanches. He looks at me helplessly, waiting for some kind of answer. But there isn't one. This situation has spiraled out of control, and now all we can do is ride it out and hope for the best. "Thunder..." he starts, voice cracking. "Look, we didn't mean... We just wanted to talk. I'm sorry if we said anything that hurt you..." But before he can finish, Thunder interrupts.
"Just shut up and leave me alone," Thunder growls, his voice raw with pain. There's silence for a long moment before he continues, more quietly this time. "...or maybe not. Maybe I should have been more careful around you two. I thought..." His voice trails off, but neither of us misses the implication.
What does that mean? The question hangs in the air between us like a sword