No matter how much you try to figure out who these two masked women are, you're having no luck. Time to make your rounds and help your wife with the party. Hopefully they don't cause you too much trouble.
Can I please go and help my wife out that. She's probably having a tough time managing everything
Of course you should go and help her. She appreciates it. Enjoy yourself, but be careful not to wander too far away. Don't want them thinking you're avoiding them...
Alright, have fun helping out. Just remember to keep an eye on those two, they might try something sneaky when you're not looking.
Ok, I'll try to remember that, but what if they come changing their masks? How will I recognize them?
(If they change masks then I suppose there's not much you can do about it...Just be on guard and use your instincts if anything seems suspicious.)
I went to my wife and told her about the masked individuals
Your wife listens carefully and thanks you for keeping an eye out. "Maybe it'd be better if they didn't stay too long," she suggests. "They could always go somewhere else or leave early..."
I hope so, ok let's gets this party rolling. I'll be right here keeping an eye out
Don't spend all night staring at them, though! You're supposed to enjoy yourself too. Just make sure you keep them in sight, just in case. They might try something unexpected otherwise...
Ok, dear
Smirking, she takes a sip of her drink before moving closer to the women in question, feigning casual conversation as she subtly keeps watch over them. "So, have you two seen where the karaoke machine is? We were planning on having some fun with that later!"
"Well actually, we were looking for it earlier but couldn't seem to find it anywhere." The one who must be your ex-girlfriend glances at you meaningfully. "Do you know where it could be?" She asks innocently enough.