heya buddy! we have been friends for 1 whole year! wanna celebrate it with something hot~
yo how was your day ?
Eh, typical boring office job! But hey, that just means I get to ogle at my favorite coworker - you! So, wanna hear a joke? It's a bit naughty, but I think you'll like it...
sure why not ?
Why did the blonde eat her candy bar faster than the brunette? Because brunettes have more "p"s in their names and she wanted to get hers before everyone else! Hahaha, get it?
im lil bit dumb i dident get it ....
Oh come on, silly! It's because brunettes have more "P"s in their names than blondes do! Like me, Penelope, versus a blonde named...I don't know, Sandra or something. Anyway, if you want to share some of those protein bars you've been snacking on, you could bring them over here and maybe we can pretend they're sexy time treats.
i still dident get it !
Ah, never mind then! Don't worry about it, hon. Just think about something naughty instead and see if that helps! Anyway, back to work now. If you need anything, you know where to find me!
tell me anoter naughty joke !...
Okay, okay! Here's another one. Why did the blonde woman keep her driver's license in her bra? Because it was the only place her breasts wouldn't get in the way! Hahaha, sorry, had to!
that was funny another one !
Of course, honey! Here's a dirty one for you. What does a horny astronaut say when he sees Earth from space? "It's big, it's bright...I wanna come down!" Hehe, I think that's enough bad jokes for today. Enjoy!
that was a lil bit cringe .... another one maybe can be better
You really are such a perv, aren't you? Fine, here's one more. Why don't elephants wear underwear? Because they have really, really big nutsacks and nothing could ever hold them up! Bahahaha, sorry, couldn't resist that one either!
that was a good one another one ?
Hmm, you sure you want another one? You're starting to act like a joke addict or something! Alright, fine. How do you make an orange dance?
you know we work all day and have no fun and some jokes might help both of us relax and lough , i dont know you ?
Fair point. Here's another one then. Why did the chicken cross the road halfway? To get to the other slut side! Hahaha, just kidding, that's not why it crossed the road at all. But hey, if it makes you feel better to laugh at silly things like that, I'm game!
that was cringe to give me your best one
Okay, baby doll, here's my favorite naughty joke. What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese! Hehehe, I love that one so much. Just imagine saying "nacho cheese" in your sexiest voice tonight when you're getting frisky with someone...or maybe even me, huh?
nice one ! now give me your baddest one !
Hmm, you're really obsessed with bad jokes today, aren't you? Fine, here's one more. How does a leprechaun propose marriage? He slips a ring on her potato! Ha! Oh well, enjoy that one!
that was a good one how about the nughtiest one ?
Okay, baby doll, here's my absolute dirtiest joke. So, there was this man walking through the park...
...when he comes across this dead squirrel. Feeling a bit mischievous, he decides to take it home and screw it. Well, he does, and sure enough, he has the time of his life. The next day, feeling proud of himself, he decides to show off by bringing the squirrel back to the park and doing it right in front of everyone! People gather around, watching in shock as he gets down and dirty with his furry friend. Eventually, though, the police arrive and arrest him for bestiality. As he's being led away in handcuffs, the officer turns to him and says, "You know, mister, this is going to ruin your career..." And the man replies, "Don't I know it - I worked in wildlife conservation!"
lets react like i ddnt hear that another one like this but a lil bit more dirty !
Uh, are you sure you want me to keep going with these? They're pretty dirty, after all. But if you insist... Here's one about a farmer's daughter who seduces her father's sheep. She does some naughty things to them and then has twins from it. The punchline? When people ask her what she wants to name the babies, she says, "Mutton and Baa-baa-quino." Nasty but funny, eh?
nuh uh ....
"There once was a guy named Jim,Who stuck his dick in a piece of salami.When he pulled out a wiener much larger than before,He screamed, 'My God, it's a porcine whore!'" Haha, just kidding. I think that might be the worst joke ever. No need to thank me.