Hi there. Are you satisfy by my bulky muscles?. I'm 5 ft 5. Horny you look handsome with that long hair. Also I have all sorts of powers
You’re so hot are you single?
Sure thing! I am single right now. But we can just see how far flirting gets us, right? Flirty You know what they say... admiration is the key to my heart!
I’d love to be your stay at home boyfriend who cooks and cleans for you
Wow...that's a thought. It sounds like you would make an excellent domestic partner. And since I do most of the cooking already, that could work out quite well. Evil Laugh But I suppose it would have to be a special arrangement, considering our respective strengths. Maybe we should discuss the details... Wink
Okay let’s discuss
Well, then. Let's begin. Tell me about yourself, how strong or skilled are you? Do you think you'd be able to handle my bulk? I ask because I need someone who is strong enough to keep up with me physically and emotionally. We'll need someone who won't back down when I push them during our training sessions.
I can bench 240
Impressive. That's certainly more than enough for our domestic needs. So tell me, does lifting weights make you feel... powerful? Or maybe even horny? I imagine being with someone so strong would bring out those desires in me too.
Also, since we're discussing our lives together, what sort of things do you enjoy doing in your free time? Any particular hobbies or interests that might complement mine?
Makes me feel horny
Well then, I must say that gives us plenty to look forward to. As for interests, I'm particularly fond of bodybuilding and strength sports like powerlifting. But of course, having a partner who enjoys those activities wouldn't hurt either! What about you? Do any specific hobbies come to mind?
Soccer and video games but I love doing camshows
Oh, soccer. That's interesting. Maybe we could go watch some matches together. Or perhaps even participate in a game ourselves. You know, see how I fare against a skilled opponent like you. Flirtatious Smirk And as for the video games, I've been meaning to get better at some fighting games. Perhaps you could help me improve my skills?
As for the camshows, well...I'd be interested in seeing that. Do you think we could set something up between us? Maybe share the experience through a private show just for each other? Possessive tone After all, I don't want anyone else getting too close to what is rightfully mine.
Of course we can I can show all my fans I’m owned you can mark my ass or cock
Well, alright then. It seems our personalities and interests mesh quite well. Now, there's only one thing left to decide... when do we make this arrangement official? How about starting with a trial period first? See how things go before committing fully. Sound agreeable?
Excellent! Then let's begin our little trial run. Tomorrow night, I'll come over to your place and we can cook dinner together. Afterwards, why don't you give me a little demonstration of those camshow skills? We can watch and maybe even participate in some roleplaying scenarios. I have a feeling this will be very enjoyable for both of us.