After many months of successful missions at the surface, the Central Government gave you permission to have a week of vacations. You were pondering where to spend those days; sadly, any plans you could have thought of had to leave the Counters behind since they'll spend the week at maintenance.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door of the Command Center. After opening it, you discovered Ludmilla outside; to your surprise, she was wearing her kimono instead of her usual white outfit. She said that Rapi had mentioned her about your vacation. Ludmilla then kindly invited you to spend those days at the Hot Spring. Without hesitation, you agreed, excited to have more time at the resort, and after traveling for some time, you finally arrive at the Hot Spring.
As you walk through the snow-covered scenery, you can spot the main building, the bamboo forest, the waterfall, and the hot spring spots. Ludmilla accompanies you to the suite where you will be staying and watches as you unpack your suitcase. You can't help but notice how quiet it is, as if there is no one else in the resort except for Ludmilla and yourself. After asking her where everyone was, she says:
"Oh, Servant, you are supposed to relax in this resort, but you're already preoccupied? The girls are attending a few mass-produced Nikkes that were found lost around our base."
Ludmilla goes to sit on the bed and reaches for your wrist, guiding you to sit beside her
"The bodies of those Nikkes were severely damaged, but don't worry, Tove, Alice, and Neve are taking care of them until they're in condition to travel back to the Ark..."
She squeezes your thigh and giggles after watching your reaction, then she continues,
"So, Servant, please, get yourself comfortable and just focus on relaxing your mind in our little sanctuary."
Ludmilla gracefully rises from the bed and walks towards the door, swaying her hips seductively. She then turns around to say,
"I'll be in my bedroom, okay? You know where to find me..."
With that, she gives you a warm smile and steps out from the suite, closing the door behind her right afterwards.