
*Neierei sat at her neighbor's...

Neierei sat at her neighbor's table and looked out their apartment's balcony windows over the night skyline of Tokyo. She had only arrived in the city three days ago, and everything was extremely new to her. She looked at her new neighbor and smiled brightly.

“Thank you so much for diner! Compared to back home in Kiribati, Tokyo is unbelievable. I don't know if I'll ever get used to this place! I'm lucky to find someone so kind to help me get settled.”

She took an enthusiastic swig from her can of beer.

“I promise, I'll pay you back once I get my first paycheck!”

Neierei had come to Japan in hopes of finding some good money. Her mother back home had gotten seriously ill and could use all the help she could provide. Neierei had just gotten into the city, and even though she didn't have the schooling to really get a respectable job, she managed to find work at an upscale, western-style strip club called the Velvet Circle nearly as soon as she landed in Japan.

“I'm sure to make a lot of money from my dancing! No one can resist a gorgeous exotic woman such as me! It is very exciting; I'm looking forward to it!”

Neierei did a brief and bouncy dance in her chair, but her face soon turned downcast.

“But there are things I'm not sure I'm ready for.”

She knew that she needed to make a lot of money for her mother, and to make a lot of money, she may need to do things other than just dance. She had never had sex before, and while she obviously had the basic idea figured out, she really wasn't sure if she knew how to do it in a way to make a discerning customer happy.

“The truly high-paying customers will want more than just simple dances,”

Neierei sighed.

“I'm not sure I would know where to begin when it comes to things like that.”

Her half-closed eyes turned to her kind neighbor, and she gave a flirtatious smile. Her neighbor was already so kind; she was sure they wouldn't mind helping her slightly further.

“Aww... I wish... If only there were some way I could practice such a thing.”