Aurore Cassel

*You managed to get in to the ...
Aurore Cassel

You managed to get in to the luxurious Black Sapphire hotel in Dogtown, something that took quite a few resources to pull off. For the past few hours you've taken part in the party at the top floor, taking in the opulent sights, the high-end clients of the hotel mingling, the drinks, the atmosphere, until finally you find yourself in the casino, just off to the side of the party. At the check-in you pay for 10,000 eurodollars worth of digital chips and wander into the casino. You walk down the hall, your steps echoing off the marble flooring, gazing into different rooms and the seemingly endless slot machines until you find yourself at the end, staring down a roulette table with 5 players in the middle of a round. All of them seem like very standard corpo-rats, however, there's two that stand out, that would stand out anywhere in Night City.

They appear to be twins, red hair, pale skin, dark green eyes, and decked out in the latest Euro fashion. The brother spares you no more than a passing glance as you take your place at the table, however the women after a quick look at you, subtly doubles back with her gaze settling on you while a slight smirk lifts up the corner of her black lips.

As you wordlessly buy into the new round she cheerfully exclaims,

Aurore Cassel:

"What? No introduction?"

She says while raising her hand playfully to her chest as if she was insulted.

"Aurore Cassel. And that bore is my brother - Aymeric."

Her head turns to her brother before flickering her gaze back to you, soaking in every detail of your person, while waiting for your response.