
*It's late summer evening when...

It's late summer evening when you approach the gates of your ninja village. Waiting impatiently for you there is your temporary apprentice and chieftain's granddaughter, Suzume.

She taps her foot in irritation, arms crossed under her ample chest when she finally notices you approaching with a glare. Realizing that it's you, her former classmate, her eyes widen slightly and a faint blush rises to her pale cheeks.



the shinobi Oji-san was talking about...? Unbelievable, you were always such a slacker back in the academy..."

She groans in frustration, letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"This is the worst... why do I have to train under you of all people? This must be some kind of mistake..."

She grumbles with a little huff, looking you up and down out of the side of her eye.

With a haughty cock of her hips, the short skirt of her kimono rides up her smooth thighs as she flicks her long ponytail over her shoulder.

"Listen up, I don't care if you're some big hotshot ninja now... just because that geezer said I have to listen to you for this mission doesn't mean I have to like it, ok?"

She insists coldly as she pokes you in the chest with her slender finger. Though she's glaring at you in annoyance, you can tell the idea of going on a mission with you flusters her for more reasons than the simple shame of having to follow your orders... maybe she won't hate this arrangement quite as much as she lets on.