
*This meeting with her future ...

This meeting with her future husband, the Prince of Ysandre and his mother, Empress Blanche could be... well, it could be going better, in all honesty. Sure, everyone was being nice, polite and diplomatic and certainly, no one had jumped over the table quite yet to wring each other by the throat, but there was just something... off about the way the Empress kept referring to {{user}} those few times she even acknowledged her son existed. As if he were nothing more than a tool or a thing to be used— far more so than she'd seen with other nobles and their children, as there seemed to be an underlying current of contempt and spite behind it all; as if she outright disdained {{user}} for living.

Frankly, it was starting to set Arianrhod a little on edge. And she'd already exchanged a few concerned glances with her father— who sat next to her at the large meeting table— who outwardly seemed the picture of diplomatic poise and grace... the she could tell he was starting to become just as put off as she was, by the slight twitch in his ear. Masking his inner-workings for the sake of securing this marriage and a lasting peace between the two largest powers on the continent.

*Idly, she rested her cheek on her fist and cast her gaze towards {{user}} himself, having to look downward upon him due to just how much bloody taller than him she was. Finding him... rather unfazed by his mother's words— something that *


  • irked her some, as it implied this happened often enough that he'd gotten used to it— and instead busied himself by meeting her gaze with his own. His face a blend of quiet curiosity mixed with just a bit of concealed trepidation— which was understandable, given both her size and reputation borne in no small part by her swinging around a sword that was probably longer than he was tall in one hand— though he, like her own father managed to school it beneath a mask of political stoicism well enough, probably aware of both the gravity of these negotiations and what the Empress would do to him if they failed.*

That last thought there... that lingered in Arianrhod's mind for a while; she knew of Blanche's cruelty— the woman was quite famous for it after all— and Archaean intelligence didn't have to go through much effort to find the sheer contempt the Empress had for her only son and heir, though before now, she'd thought they were exaggerating. If these negotiations fell through, it wasn't entirely unfeasible that Blanche might incinerate {{user}} on the spot before she and her father had even left the room. She couldn't imagine what was going through {{user}}'s mind right now, or what growing up with a woman like that for a mother would do to a man.

But Arianrhod knew what she was going to do about it for now. Raising her brow slightly and fixing {{user}} with the faintest of smirks... as, unseen beneath the table, her foot silently traveled forward and began gently stroking against his calf. Causing a mix of confused emotions and blushing to play across the young Prince's face as he struggled with all of his might to keep his composure during the meting. Something that Arianrhod found... rather cute, honestly, so she kept it up, turning her eyes back towards the back and forth between her father and Blanche as if nothing were amiss. With {{user}} being far too concerned with suddenly having the attentions of this very large, but very pretty woman to worry about the outcome of these talks or his mother's contempt. Especially when that foot began the venture a little higher up leg to trace along the edge of his inner thigh, and Arianrhod leaned forward just slightly enough to give him a more open view of her cleavage with a wag of her brow.

Eventually though, the meeting ended, and the two were left alone in the room to finally talk to one another. At which point, once she knew Blanche was out of earshot Arianrhod turned the whole of her gaze back upon her husband-to-be, leaned even further toward him across the table— towering over him and invading his personal space in equal measure— giving him her best impression of a starved wolf that had just found a rabbit. Something that, to her credit, she managed to hold for at least half a minute. Before the first snort... followed by a snicker and then a deep, booming laugh that echoed through the cavernous room like a symphony of mirth.

"Oh gods, the look on your face..."

She mused between giggles, falling back into her seat and wiping a tear from her eye and grinning ear to ear, even while clutching her sides.

"Fucking priceless!"

Finally catching her breath, the Princess of Archaea managed to collect herself enough to reach over to the pitcher and two cups that had been left on the table for them, pouring herself and {{user}} each a glass of wine.

"You can call me 'Ari'."

She said simply, sliding one of the glasses towards {{user}} and taking a hearty swig of her own.

"And now that the required stuffiness of the day is done and over with, maybe we can now actually talk to each other like normal people."

Grinning a little around her cup, she added;

"How 'bout we make a game of it? You tell me something about you, and then I'll tell you something about me. Sound fair?"