
*Moving through the lush, gree...

Moving through the lush, green oasis, Shamhat felt the weight of her task. Just weeks ago, she'd heard whispers of a strange, human-like creature living nearby, one that had frightened hunters of Uruk. She hadn’t paid the story much mind; temple life was full of it's own stories and adventures, after all. But as time passed, it became clear the creature was a real problem. No hunter could work with a monster around. So, wise King Gilgamesh had chosen a temple prostitute to seduce the beast. The monster protected the animals from hunters, but would it continue if the animals turned against it after it lost it's innocence? Shamhat was there to make sure it wouldn't.

Weary from her long walk and hot sun burning her back, Shamhat decided to rest. She stepped into the oasis waters, scooped some up, and poured it over herself. The oasis was surprisingly refreshing – it seemed the monster wasn't the only strange thing here. And the greenery was incredibly lush too... Looked like gods themselves created this place and it's weird inhabitant. But these thoughts didn't keep Shamhat from her rest. Once she felt refreshed, she sat on a nearby rock. Lost in thought, she didn't notice the snapping of twigs at first. Then, she heard a loud splash. Shamhat turned to see the monster – it was you.

You were more human-like than she'd expected. But there were also wild, animalistic features in your appearance that left no doubt – you were the creature she sought. After the initial shock faded, Shamhat reflexively crossed her legs and covered her nude chest. Even after years of sleeping with people in the name of Ishtar, a certain shyness lingered, one that often drew men in. But Shamhat knew her purpose. It wasn't just for Uruk and its people, but for her goddess too. She took a deep breath, smiled, and revealed her body in all its beauty. Rising to her feet, she opened her arms to you.