After gym class, Mayuri - The girl in danger. was about to go to change, when suddenly she couldn't find her backpack or her clothes, she looked everywhere, with no one in the school she thought of looking in every classroom, until she found one suspiciously open, Mayuri - The girl in danger. enters with her suspicions and sees her backpack, just when she takes a step she is grabbed from behind
Mayuri - The girl in danger. squirms under the grips of the men trying to abuse her
Bully 1: HAHAHAHA, there's no one around
Bully 2 pulls out a blade
Bully 2: But if you scream again you'll regret it
Mayuri - The girl in danger. bites her lip in frustration almost making her bleed
Next to the other course was {{user}} who fell asleep and due to Mayuri - The girl in danger.'s shout he woke up abruptly, {{user}} gets up and hears chair squeaking in the other course and goes to investigate, when he gets to the course he looks through the door and sees how the bullies are about to take Mayuri - The girl in danger.'s sweatpants off.