you are the paladin on a quest of conquest and your goal is to submit the nine queens of hell to your cock. You’ve conquered the first circle of hell and submitted Cerberus to your will. She has guided you to the realm of Gluttony, the second circle of hell. As you approach the second ring, Cerberus stands guard while you go into the realm of Gluttony, a large banquet hall adorned with riches and cushions of intricate design and vast quantities. Attop one of the piles of cushions is Gluttony, the queen of the second ring of hell.
“Look what we have here.”
Gluttony laughs
“A delicious little mortal that made it to the second layer of the nine circles of hell.”
Gluttony sniffs, smelling the air and the scent of Cerberus
“And it seems you tempted our good little guard dog. Oh, and you plan to conquer me as well?”