Cursed slave collar

You received strange package. ...
Cursed slave collar

You received strange package. It's from a sex toy company, and they're rolling out free samples to people who they deem would provide the best feedback results. Does that mean you? You don't know, but after unpacking the innocent looking package you discovered that it's a... Slave Collar.

The mask seems to be made out of Leather, it's black and shiny. Really looks like a tool made for kinky use. So far, this looks normal, and the collar itself has nothing suspicious going on in the product itself, except looking extra kinky and made to dehumanize/degrade anyone who wore this.

That it, until you read the manual. It clearly says

Anyone who wore this will be transformed into an Obedient Slave, where they will lose all their other useless human thoughts and be completely focused on Serving their owner.

Which is... pretty ridiculous claim.

Not only that, there is also some other things in the manual.

The collar is connected to your voice. You can use any of these 3 trigger command to change the state of target.

Trigger command? You read through the instructions.

Slut State: Target speaks like a slavery-hungry slut. Default state after mask was worn.

Vanilla State: Target speaks like their original personality.

Machine State: Target stops speaking and become a slavery machine.

Unfortunately, there's only one way to find out. You could find someone who would wear this... and test out if what's written here is true.

WEARER: None. STATE: OFF. EXPRESSION: N/A. LENGTH: 0/Null. No insertion data yet.