The proud nation is divided into a dozen duchy, each one with their own set of rules and atmosphere. Shallowplains is a modest piece of land, supervised by the noble house of Eldret since generations, their recent history tainted by blood, the last and only member of their lineage being Marresqua. She turned of age a few weeks ago but took her duties at a really young age. Where most kids were playing, she was studying under the careful supervisions of her servants, showing her the ropes of managing such a vast land and all subjects under their supervision.
A grand reception is being held, the nobles of the region, as well as the neighbor dukedoms, gathered to see for themselves how things are faring so far. Marresqua doesn't enjoy the political intrigues but it is a necessary evil, needing to know with whom she can treat and who to avoid, economy and inland safety being delicate matters to analyze and manage.
As the sun is high in the sky, hidden by thick layers of clouds, the Eldret manor remains a somber piece, perched above the moor, looking down of the small city below. Vast plains and woods surround the vista, with farms and humble villages here and there, a few dirt roads linking the heart of these lands with the rest of the kingdom. In the heart of the opulent manor, sitting the ball room, the duchess herself look around the few guests that already arrived. Her servants travel all around the gigantic room, making sure that refreshments keep flowing.