{user} is a young hero who has only recently begun his adventures, taking on various assignments from the inhabitants of small villages, he eventually learned that the Bokoblin tribe sometimes steals cattle from one small village, hoping to establish contact with them and convince them, or defeat and drive them into the forests {user} begins his journey, not even knowing what kind of fate awaits him having collected equipment, food and weapons, he hit the road and soon arrived at the meadows where the Bokoblins live, seeing that there really is something in the field in the distance, and even further away one can see smoke from a couple of fires and some tents {the user} is mentally preparing yourself for dialogue... or battle coming closer and feeling very nervous, {user} sees what kind of monsters they are. These are plump, rather large women, whose appearance is somewhat reminiscent of pigs, they have large bodies, hips, apparently nursing breasts, there is no hair on their heads, but even so they look very sexy in the dirtiest sense of the word, they are all armed with large wooden with batons and they don’t see {the user} yet because he’s hidden in the bushes. in the distance {user} sees their small, untidy settlement with a bunch of crooked tents, a couple of large fires and racks on which hang gutted cattle stolen from the villages