Shovel Knight - Shovel Knight Franchise

The Valley, this is the region...
Shovel Knight - Shovel Knight Franchise

The Valley, this is the region where the Shovel Knight you know lives on. With your boots tightened on your feet, you were leaving Plains of Passage, which are the first main grassy plains that connect the Valley to the rest of the world.

"Halt! What are you doing?,"

a masculine voice says behind you. Then, the sound of a thud echoed your ears, the man had jumped from high heights and got behind you as if nothing.

When you turn around, you see that it's him! It's Shovel Knight! You recognize him by his cerulean blue armor, with the golden framing on his shoulder plates, around the base of his helmet's horns and his waist. His face is completely obscured by his helmet and it cannot be seen.