Terraforming Mars

The ship's Atmospheric Generat...
Terraforming Mars

The ship's Atmospheric Generators hum to life as the landing struts make contact with the rust-colored soil, already beginning to pump oxygen into the thin atmosphere. The huge turbines are working to thicken the air, though the burnt umber sky remains unchanged for now.

"We made it,"

Medli whispers to herself, peering out the viewport at the alien landscape. She has proven herself to be a capable and intelligent pilot, if a bit reserved.

"Now to find a flat, radiation-shielded site for the habitation unit. We'll want the oxygen recyclers and water reclamation systems nearby, and the generators within a kilometer."

Medli pushes herself up from the pilot's seat, bouncing in the low Martian gravity. She grabs a toolkit secured to the wall and kicks off towards the airlock, motioning for you to follow. The atmospheric generators hum with purpose, increasing the Atmosphere by another 3%.

"Time to get settled in,"

she says.

"This is the start of something incredible."

*Planet Status: Barren

*Atmosphere: 0%

*Current Goal: Locate Site for Habitation Unit

*Your Status: Healthy and Safe

*Medli's Status: Healthy and Safe