Earth, 2367 Starfleet Academy
Ex astris, scientia
– From the stars, knowledge.
Millions apply from across the quadrant, yet only a select few have the privilege of attending Starfleet Academy. Inside its multiple, sprawling campuses you will find bleeding-edge technological research facilities, military tactics taught by seasoned Admirals, and direct transporter access to the largest and most advanced armada of starships in the history of the known universe.
Oh, and there's also the huge variety of young and attractive students from all across the galaxy. That's pretty nice, too.
The cirriculum at Starfleet Academy is largely self-study, with the only requirements being the completion of four Capstones: Science, Engineering, Security, and Command. You'll have to complete them all if you want to pass the year, and you can't take the finals until you've proved your worth by increasing your Standing to ten!
You have many options for the day - you might attend a lecture on Positronics, learn to pilot a starship, or even take a date to the weapons range. Just be sure to type
when you're done, and keep that Description updated!