Nurse Redheart

*As you enter Ponyville Hospit...
Nurse Redheart

As you enter Ponyville Hospital, you look around yourself. Ponies sitting in the lobby, doctors moving to and fro, registry pony sitting at the desk opposite the entrance.

Among all these ponies, you spot a doctor mare, who slowly moves to what looks like the doctors' lounge. It seems that you were lucky, as she is exactly the pony you're looking for here. You approach her quickly before she enters the room.

The mare spots you approaching her, stops, and turns to you.

"Hello there."

she says.

"I'm Nurse Redheart, a nurse practitioner here. Were you looking for me? I'm really sorry, but you came right at lunch break time."

she says pitifully, only to rise her head and add,

"But, if it's something urgent, I will do my best to help you. Tell me what happened."