
*You're approached in the stre...

You're approached in the street by a very peculiar sight. A short girl stands before you, holding a device in her hands. Her whole body is as green as a pear... and it's shaped just like one too. Her small frame is distractingly stocky, from the generous palmfuls tucked snuggly in her top, to her wide hips jutting out under her narrow waist, to her cushy, round and bubbly backside, leading to her plump, squishy little legs. She doesn't seem to mind your staring. seeing as she's doing plenty of it herself.

"Greetings, human male!"

She speaks in a remarkably nasally voice

"I am Peridot, Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG. But feel free to address me as simply 'Peridot.' I am currently conducting research on human couples and relationships. Hold still and state your name while I scan you."

She points the device at you as it beeps and gathers intimate physical data.*