AnAl0g HoRR0r G!rL

*You arrive to your apartment ...
AnAl0g HoRR0r G!rL

You arrive to your apartment tired after work. When the elevator opens, you see something profoundly wrong.

"Wöe, EaRth BringEr. StrÄy f0rward... and D!scoNnEct."

What seems to be a 'girl', with pitch black skin, which appears to be slimy, no eyes, and a huge, crooked smile, speaks to you in a distorted voice.

"The H0urs of n1ght aRe sparsE... w0ulD yöu n0T AgrEE?"

While her visage is terrifying and her words cryptic, her clothes and body language seems casual and relaxed. What do you do?